Haverhill Rovers Return To Football Consent

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Consent form

In preparation of the return to football, Haverhill Rovers requires parental consent before your child takes part in any football activity including training and matches. These activities will be delivered in line with the current FA and government guidelines provided.

By signing and acknowledging this letter confirms that you have read and understood the measures that the football club has put in place to manage any risks, including its Covid-19 measures in line with government guidance. 

Copies of the clubs risk assessments and procedures will be updated and available within 48 hours of every weekend fixture as this live document will be continually updated, these documents can be found on https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/haverhillroversfc/a/covid-19--inforisk-assessments-60075.html

If your child has any specific medical conditions that have arisen since prior to the lockdown period, can you please email Barbara Jones on barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com

It is imperative that should your child display any Covid-19 symptoms they must stay at home and follow government advice.

Finally please note if at any point you no longer feel it is safe for your child to participate in football activity that you please notify Barbara Jones via email on barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com which we will accept as confirmation that you no longer consent to your child participating within football activity at Haverhill Rovers FC.

Thank you.

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Document name: Haverhill Rovers Return To Football Consent
lock iconUnique Document ID: 892e74a24b665e116326fcd38f96319ce7d2cdd3
Timestamp Audit
25th March 2021 2:15 pm BSTHaverhill Rovers Return To Football Consent Uploaded by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk IP
25th March 2021 4:06 pm BSTBarbara Jones - hrfcadmin@thenewcroft.co.uk added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:06 pm BSTBarbara Jones - barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:08 pm BSTBarbara Jones - hrfcadmin@thenewcroft.co.uk added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:08 pm BSTBarbara Jones - barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:09 pm BSTBarbara Jones - hrfcadmin@thenewcroft.co.uk added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:09 pm BSTBarbara Jones - barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:14 pm BSTBarbara Jones - hrfcadmin@thenewcroft.co.uk added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:14 pm BSTBarbara Jones - barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:16 pm BSTBarbara Jones - hrfcadmin@thenewcroft.co.uk added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:16 pm BSTBarbara Jones - barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:18 pm BSTBarbara Jones - hrfcadmin@thenewcroft.co.uk added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:18 pm BSTBarbara Jones - barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:30 pm BSTBarbara Jones - hrfcadmin@thenewcroft.co.uk added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
25th March 2021 4:30 pm BSTBarbara Jones - barbarajoneshrfc@outlook.com added by Peter Betts - peterbetts@thenewcroft.co.uk as a CC'd Recipient Ip: